Welcome to Deathtrap

Welcome to Deathtrap, an interactive fiction thriller / suspense game about escaping an abandoned theme park filled with puzzles and traps. Have fun and good luck. – Deathtrap Productions

Plot Synopsis

Deathtrap is about a person having to escape an abandoned theme park after they were kidnapped from their local market. As they awaken, they find themself in a strange room, only knowing one thing, if they want to survive, they need to escape now!

About Deathtrap Productions

Deathtrap was created by Deathtrap Productions, a team of students studying game design at Central Queensland University (CQU). Deathtrap is our first full game and was produced in 12 weeks, from concept to publishing. As such this was a huge milestone for us in our study. So we would like to thank you for checking our game out. If you have any questions, feedback, or just want to send us a message, check out the links below.

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